Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
Joseph Campbell
From the moment we humans take our first breath, we are conditioned in our psychological growth by our culture-of-birth. As we mature within that culture, however, alternate paths of development inevitably present themselves and for some of us, this triggers a compelling urge to abandon the status quo in favour of undertaking what is a long and arduous process. Responding to a deep spiritual calling, we break the cultural spell cast upon us as children and begin a journey of self-discovery. If successful, we come to know ourselves not simply as residents of a particular geographical area, or as proponents of a particular faith or cultural tradition. Rather, we come to know ourselves as universal children of the Earth.
Fulfilling our identities as Earth people requires that we come into greater and greater alignment with a purpose that transcends any parochial identity we have previously taken on. Psychologically speaking, this is known as the journey of individuation and each person who takes it must choose his or her own means. For many people, myself included, no tools along the way have proven to be more valuable than those provided by one of the most ancient and enduring of all human endeavours: astrology.
Down through the ages, virtually every culture and civilization on the planet has developed some form of astrology. Our era is no exception and the need for an new astrology, one capable of meeting the psychological requirements of a planetarized humanity, was a need fully perceived by a man whose monumental resolve to help make this happen, yielded an equally monumental legacy of completed works. His name is Dane Rudhyar and it was he who, for more than half of the twentieth century, almost single-handedly formulated the philosophical and psychological foundation of a thoroughly holistic approach to the discipline.
Dane Rudhyar
I was introduced to Rudhyar’s astrological, philosophical and artistic works early in my twenties. He became a major source of inspiration to me and his "person-centered" approach to astrology evoked in me a profound sense of mystical participation in a great Work extending out and beyond my lifetime. This set the stage for my pioneering development of a synthesis of intuitive arts comprised of not only Western and Mesoamerican astrology, but also the etheric energy system of the human body (the chakras), as well as the Chinese Book of Changes (I Ching). The story of my development of this synthesis is what this website encompasses. It is the story of an Earth Child emerging!
However universal and seemingly timeless spirit is understood essentially to be, the acts of this spirit -- and as a result the "revelations" dispensed to human beings -- deal always with particular persons and particular situations. The outcome of these acts and revelations depends upon the answers which a particular individual, implicitly if not explicitly, gives to the fundamental question: Where do you stand, here and now?
Dane Rudhyar
In the early stages of my own process of emergence and individuation, Rudhyar's astrology played a key role in orienting me to a more inclusive awareness than my upbringing had afforded me. Consciously using the tools provided by him and by a small group of like-mindeds, I developed a tangible sense of wholeness within my own psyche by simply dwelling on three core components of the astrological world: Sun, Moon and Earth. This felt sense of wholeness is what I later came to refer to as the Earth Child within.
To me, the term Earth Child is symbolic of a latent, "inner androgyne" -- a primordial awareness within each of us symbolized by the exact phase of the Moon at the time of our birth. This phase relationship, the natural result of an Earth-centric point-of-view, is the very most personal of all astrological factors determined from a birth chart and is thus the most suitable symbol of the triadic integration of our masculine nature (Father Sun), our feminine nature (Mother Moon), and our Earthly form.
In 1986, I discovered that this single, unified, astrological factor integrated seamlessly with the Tzolkin, central component of the Mayan Sacred Calendar tradition introduced to people throughout the world through what has been called the "2012 Phenomenon." This Tzolkin connection revealed a vast new level of integration inherent in every Earth Child's birth right and it is this bounteous astro-mythological birth right I seek to share with all who are inclined to receive it.
Radial Tzolkin
According to independent Mayan scholar John Major Jenkins and other proponents of World Age cosmology, the Mayan calendar tradition drew attention to the date December 21, 2012 as the completion date of a 5,125 year cycle of history known as the Fifth Sun. Completion of that date is said to have simultaneously marked humanity's entry into a new 5, 125 year cycle known as the Sixth Sun, the Sun of Consciousness, the Sun of Flowers.
Although much debate has raged throughout the planet as to the true meaning and significance of the 2012 date, what I share with you in the following pages, is not directly related to that debate nor is it dependent on any outcome arising from it. Rather, what is revealed here is an entirely novel relationship to the central component of the Mayan calendar tradition: the Tzolkin. From my own experience, I can affirm that sustained contemplation of the Tzolkin can lead to a plethora of mind-expanding insights supportive of the emergence of Earth Children. Such is the nature of the adventure in consciousness that is the Lightning Path!